Complete Reflexology starts to blog!

Welcome to the first Complete Reflexology blog!

I’ve had my website for 3 years and a Facebook page for 2 and have now decided it’s time to blog on reflexology along with anything else that catches my eye so please feel free to check in from time to time.

I recently came across the folder I submitted at the end of my course and amongst it was an article I had written on how I came to reflexology and what had ‘stuck out’ during the early days. The following are a couple of extracts that I hope you will find interesting:

“When I signed up for the Diploma in Reflexology it was for the sole purpose of wanting to learn something new – purely selfish reasons you might say. Was the intention to set up a business? I think I can honestly answer No – I hadn’t thought anywhere near that far ahead. Nor had I really considered what I was letting myself in for 🙂

So you can imagine how 6 case studies, 40 one-off treatments, essays, giving treatments at the yoga show and an anatomy and physiology exam came as a bit of a surprise! What came as an even bigger surprise was just how much I was enjoying it!

Writing essays and taking exams has never been fun – at least not for me. But working on people’s feet, having physical contact with individuals both friends and strangers alike was a whole different ball game and one that I wasn’t prepared for.

Of course I knew I would be handling people’s feet but what I didn’t expect was to find myself hesitant about it and feeling as though I was crossing a barrier that in some cases might not want to be crossed.

Initially it felt that by taking a client’s feet and working through the sequence, I was invading their privacy – did I have the right to know they had an imbalance in their neck, small intestine or prostate reflex? And what was I supposed to do once I knew?”

As I said, I wrote this during my studies and literally hundreds of feet have passed through my hands since then during which time I’ve come to realise that the hesitancy isn’t a negative but a note of respect for each and every client.

Yes I am more confident now as a reflexologist than I was when I started and yes, I am more comfortable talking through any findings and advice following a treatment but the respect I hope will remain.

When that’s gone it’s probably time to start down another path.



Complete Reflexology
07768 644643